Head of Programming & Operations
Jordan Hooker

Strength & Conditioning
Weightlifting Coach
Club Sports Power Coach

Jordan's experience spans back over a decade in the industry, coaching hundreds of members of TFE but also a large portion of junior athletes and competitors of all ages and levels.
Coming from a high level individual and team sport background, his expertise in speed, power and strength training is noted within the programs structure & detail.

Jeremy Mifsud

Longevity & Vitality in Training
Strength & Endurance

Jeremy always strives to push his body and mind to new levels through training. This transcends into his coaching style, where clients have access to over 16 years of training and coaching experience.
An intuitive approach to both his training and coaching demonstrates his vision to deliver his philosophy of form outweighing load and to promote longevity in fitness and health.

Coaching & Programming Associate
Monica Hay

Mon is hugely respected in and around TFE due to her dedication in training and her relentless pursuit to become a better athlete & human.
Her kind approach to all members makes the process for newcomers a smooth transition as she instills a level of comfort with each encounter.

Mon leads the way in the industry for female coaches.
Her unique passion to live a holistic life of pure function and health has built confidence in many local women looking to find their way in a training environment whilst also building confidence in their own abilities & removing comparisions with the online world.

Junior Coaching Mentor
Jess Edwards

With years of training and coaching in the sport of Crossift, Jess brings with her wisdom & ability that only years of dedication to self growth can offer.
Her ability to provide a nurturing, comforting assistance to anyone walking through the door makes her the perfect role model for all young woman and aspiring junior coaches.

Jess regularly trains in the AM classes and will brighten the mood of any dark day without a shred of doubt.